I just thought I'd post since I've received some great testimonials this week which are very rewarding and go some way to make up for all the effort that goes into producing the finished article that prompted the feedback. It's a bit of a nightmare trying to keep cars clean in this weather, you just have to pick your moment to move something from A to B to photograph it or have it ready to hand-over. Shuffling cars around at the unit late into the evening has become a bit of a habit, but hopefully the help I have in hand to assist in some of the logistical stuff will avoid some of that.
Here's the first paragraph from a customer who picked his Clio Trophy up yesterday.
"Thanks again for sorting us out with the Clio, in short the car is epic, had an absolute riot getting home, didn’t get back until gone 9pm (left here about 3pm and lives 2 hours max) and did a tank and a half of fuel in the process!"